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Computer Science Major

School of Arts and Sciences

Capstone Course

In your senior year, you will have the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in your culminating course. 你可以选择一个教师批准的软件开发项目或实习作为你学位要求的一部分.

Students and mentor working around a computer

Software Project

Working with a team of your peers, 您将有机会将您通过课程学到的技能和知识应用到实际的软件开发项目中.


利用总部设在尔湾及附近的许多科技公司,在你大四的时候去实习. 你的教授将与你一起寻找一个与你在计算机科学方面的兴趣相匹配的机会.

Materials Needed

For computer science courses, 学生应该有一台运行最新版本苹果macOS的笔记本电脑, Microsoft Windows, or a Unix-like operating system. For engineering courses, 学生通常需要在Windows环境中工作(非Windows用户可能需要额外的资源), such as Parallels). We recommend a mid-range to upper-end computer system. 我们的课程很严格,我们希望避免廉价电脑带来的挫败感.

我们的学生报告说,在他们的宿舍里有一个外接鼠标和一个合理大小的显示器是一个很大的好处, but this is not a requirement.

Most Chromebooks, iPads, 而其他平板电脑则无法运行,因为它们不允许你安装合适的开发工具,或者只提供有限的功能. A few highly skilled students have managed to get by with a combination of a high-end Chromebook and the desktop computers that are available 24/7 in our computer science and engineering labs; however, this setup is discouraged.

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